Susanta Nanda, an Indian Forest Service (IFS) employee, took to X (formerly Twitter) to share an old video of a baby elephant falling during a morning walk with its keepers. However, the baby elephant gets back on its feet and continues running with its caretakers.
IFS officer Susanta Nanda tweeted a heartwarming video. At the same time, she tweeted a quote from Winston Churchill. “Success is not final and failure is not fatal. What matters is the courage to continue.”
The video begins with a baby elephant named Pragan running with his caretakers in the early morning hours. As the video progresses, she seems to be stumbling and feeling anxious. Afterwards, her zookeepers comfort her and help her gain her confidence. Once she regains her confidence, she continues running alongside her keeper.
The video also highlights that Pragan’s parents were killed by poachers when she was just one year old, and that she was later rescued and raised at Paradise Wildlife Park in the UK.
Watch the video shared by the IFS officer below.
The video was shared on Oct. 4 and has since garnered more than 27,000 views. His video has been liked by over 800 people, and that number is still growing. Many people flocked to the comments section of the video to share their thoughts.
See how X users react to this video of a baby elephant running with its keeper.
“This is pure gold. Thank you for sharing,” an individual posted.
Another added: “Sir, your tweets are so positive.”
“So cute!” 1/3 said.
A fourth said: “Amazing. Amazing.”
“So cute. Just like a toddler. No less,” a fifth person wrote.
A sixth person said, “Elephants are the cutest things on earth.”
What do you think about this video?