Hazel Keech Singh and her husband Yuvraj Singh, a former cricketer, welcomed their first child, Orion, in 2022. Their second child, Aura, was born in August of this year, expanding their family. In her recent Instagram post, Hazel shared her own journey through her postpartum challenges, including her significant hair loss. To cope with this, she decided to cut her hair and donate her hair to help cancer patients.
“I always noticed new moms cutting their hair short, but I never understood why. I later learned about postpartum hair loss, but the moment I entered the bathroom, the motion sensor turned on. “This is really awful when you’re trying to adjust to the new reality of a tiny human who cries and poops like crazy,” the caption alongside reads in part. A photo shared by Hazel Keech Singh on Instagram.
In the next few lines, she said she decided to donate her hair to be turned into “wigs for people undergoing cancer treatment.” She said, “Her husband told her what it was like to watch her hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows all fall out while undergoing chemotherapy, and how much it affected her self-esteem.” He said,” the caption further reads.
See the entire post here.
This post was shared on Instagram two days ago. Since then, he has received over 46,000 views and that number is still growing. Many people shared their thoughts in the comments section.
Here’s how people are reacting to this Instagram post.
“Due to a serious illness, I too lost all my hair and am completely bald. Thank you to the manufacturer for creating such a beautiful and original wig,” said a source. I did.
Another said: “That’s wonderful. After giving birth, I also donated my hair to cancer patients here in India.”
“Oh this is amazing,” posted a third.
A fourth commented: “That’s very kind of you.”
“I love short hair!” exclaimed a quarter.
A fifth added: “Love it!”
“Wow! What a great hairstyle!” wrote a sixth.
A seventh person added: “Such a noble cause. God bless @hazelkeechofficial.”