(AOF) – Renault (-6,29% à 33,80 euros) EST Lantern Rouge du CAC 40 Years brings earnings in the sector Automotive. Protect the sill of your car Entraine and Son without Stellantis (-3,24% à 18,17 euros). Le chiffre d’affaires du troisième trimestre a progressé de 7.6% à 10.5 Milliards d’euros, en hausse de 7.6%. Changing the constant goes to 13.8%. The son “Automobile” Duchess guarantees 9,4 million euros, 5,0%. Change the constant and increase it by 11.3%.
UBS’s financing arm has the potential to secure a 2,8% return and volume, as well as inventory for the concession. Un constat partage by Stifel. L’effet prix est toujours Solide à +7.5 points.
Les ventes mondiales de Renault ont atteint 511 000 véhicules sur ce troisième trystre, en hausse de 6,1% par rapport au troisième trimestre 2022.En Europe, ses ventes ont progressé de 15,3 %.
Renault maintains its best performance with European average Croissance of 21,0% in September specifications and specifications. Renault est le leader européen sur le Marché des fourgons et fourgonnettes.
Check out the outlook for the financial institution to perform in 2023: highest free cash flow of 7 % and 8 % for the entire group, free cash flow of EUR 2,5 milliards. 7.6%.
From September 1st, UBS will have a rest period for Vandles aimed at 31 euros. In order to guarantee the amount of 50 euros, it is necessary to “pay a safe fee”, hold a volume corresponding to “negative opinion” (-1,4 %) “Report of circumstances regarding the relationship with precedent “onwards.
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