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For nearly 15 years, has been at the forefront of fearlessly reporting on what’s happening in the Olympic movement. As the first website not placed behind a paywall, we make news about the International Olympic Committee, the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Commonwealth Games and other major events more accessible to everyone than ever before. I’ve made it possible. has a worldwide reputation for reporting excellence and breadth of coverage. For many of her readers in over 200 countries and territories around the world, the website is an important part of their daily lives. A free email alert ping will arrive in their inbox every morning at 6.30am UK time, 365 days a year. It’s a part of their day as familiar to them as their first cup of coffee.
Even during the worst of the coronavirus pandemic, maintained its high standards of reporting all the news from around the world every day. We were the first in the world to tell you that the Olympic Movement faced the threat of coronavirus and have been providing unparalleled coverage of the pandemic ever since.
As the world begins to emerge from the coronavirus crisis, would like to invite you to join us on our journey by funding independent journalism. Your generous support allows us to continue to provide comprehensive coverage of the Olympic Movement and the events that shape it. It means we can keep our website open to everyone. Around 25 million people read last year, making it the number one source of independent news about what’s happening in sports around the world.
Every contribution, big or small, helps us maintain and improve our global coverage in the year ahead. Our small, dedicated team was busy last year covering the rescheduled Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics. Unprecedented logistical challenges have stretched limited resources to the limit.
The rest of 2022 will be no less busy and challenging. We held the Winter Olympics and Paralympics in Beijing and sent a team of four reporters. Upcoming events include the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, the Summer World University Games and Asian Games in China, the World Championships in Alabama and multiple world championships. Of course, Qatar also hosts the FIFA World Cup.
Unlike many other sites, can be read by anyone, regardless of how much they can afford. We do this because we believe sports belong to everyone and everyone should be able to read information regardless of their financial situation. While some may seek to profit financially from the information, we are committed to sharing it with as many people as possible. The more people who can stay informed and understand the impact of global events, the more transparency there will be in sports.
You can support for just £10 – it only takes a minute. If you’re able, please consider making a recurring monthly contribution. thank you.
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