Darren Jason Watkins Jr., known online as IShowSpeed, surprised Indian fans when he visited India to support cricketer Virat Kohli during the recently concluded Cricket World Cup 2023 match between India and Pakistan. In a video going viral online, he can be seen strolling through the streets of Mumbai and Ahmedabad. A video that is currently trending on Instagram shows the YouTuber dancing to Tunak Tunak Tun with singer Dara Mehndi.
“What an unforgettable day! Have fun hosting iconic YouTube sensation @ishowspeed. It was pure magic and the fun was off the charts. Huge respect to his love and admiration for #tunaktunaktun represents,” Dara Mehndi wrote while sharing a video on Instagram.
The video begins with IShowSpeed saying he’s very “excited” and “ready to meet the GOAT.” As the video progresses, Dara Mehendi welcomes him with a garland and then a warm hug. Afterwards, they taste a “lassi” which the YouTuber found “delicious”. As the video continues, IShowSpeed is seen dancing to the beats of his Daler Mehndi and Tunak Tunak Tun.
Watch Daler Mehndi and IShowSpeed dance to Tunak Tunak Tun here:
In another post, Dara Mehndi and IShowSpeed can be seen posing for the camera. “Heart of gold @ishowspeedsui,” Dara Mehndi wrote in the caption of the photo she shared on Instagram.
Check out the post shared by Daler Mehndi below.
The post has accumulated a large number of likes and comments since it was shared a few hours ago. Many people took to the comments section of the post to share their thoughts.
Here are people’s reactions to this dance video:
Posted by an individual named “GOAT”.
Another added: “So cute.”
“Awesome,” a third shared.
A fourth person commented: “Speed x Tunaku Tunaku man.”
Regarding the letter “N” written on IShowSpeed’s T-shirt, a fifth poster wrote, “My brother got an ‘N’ that is different from the other letters.”